Parkside homeowners changed the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions to allow more roofing material choices. As of November 1, 2008, we have received 67 completed CC&Rs change ballots with 62 "yes" votes, and five "no" votes. Many thanks to Director Bill Schatz who went door to door to collect ballots.
The Board of Directors worked with our legal counsel to officially register the CC&R change in February, 2009.
Homeowners may now submit their re-roofing plans to the Architectural Committee for approval.
Article XIII, 13.1, Building Materials now reads as follows:
13.1 Building Materials. All homes constructed on each Lot shall be built of new materials, with the exception of decor items such as used brick, weathered planking, and similar items. The Committee will determine whether a used material is a decor item. In making this determination, the Committee will consider whether the material harmonizes with the aesthetic character of the Parkside development and whether the material would add to the attractive development of the subdivision. The covenant roofing materials are defined as cedar shingles, shakes or unpainted tile. All roofing material shall be limited to cedar shakes, cedar shingles, earth-tone concrete tile, or such other materials as the Board may from time to time designate by rule as being appropriate. Other than the "covenanted" materials listed above, the criteria for Board approval of alternate materials is that the appearance of the alternate material must be aesthetically close to the "covenanted" materials, i.e., look like cedar shake, cedar shingles or earth-tone concrete tile. All proposed installations of roofing materials shall be approved in writing by the Architectural Committee prior to installation. The Architectural Committee must approve the color of any roofing material and obtain Board approval for any material other than the "covenanted" materials listed above prior to installation. Submittal is required for roofing on new structures, as well as re-roofing an existing structure. All visible masonry shall be native stone, brick, or stucco.
Homeowners who do not have William E. Buchan Inc., construct their homes shall be obliged to use materials of a quality equivalent to those materials which William E. Buchan Inc. has utilized for the construction of homes in the Plat. If inferior materials are utilized, the Committee will require that such materials be replaced. The (1) grade of materials and (2) price of materials shall be relevant considerations in determining whether the materials are of equivalent quality.